Your Church for Your Community
Ackroydon Community Church is a new church in partnership with St Michael's, Southfields. We love Jesus and the Southfields community. Church is about people who love God, it is not restricted to buildings or Sundays, so we meet in many different ways throughout the week.
Sundays at Ackroydon Hall
Community Lunch
We believe that a big part of church is building friendships with one another. That's why on the third Sunday of every month we have a community lunch after the service.
Bring some lunch to share, or just come along and enjoy a meal with us!
21 October
18 November
16 December
Ackroydon Community Church meets every week. We have refreshments, crafts for the kids, and a short service looking at stories from the life of Jesus.
We meet from 10am for coffee and cake. The service begins at 10.30am. It is relaxed and informal - bring the whole family!
Location: Ackroydon Hall, 26 Montfort Place.
Sunday Service
JSP is a fifteen-week whole church discipleship programme will help us to:
•Focus on the life of Jesus
•Refresh our Church Vision
•Become more Jesus Shaped
•Connect with the community

During the Week

Messy Church is for school aged children and their families. We meet once a month on a Tuesday. We sing, listen to a short talk, and share a meal together. We also make lots of mess with crafts that help to tell Bible stories!
The upcoming dates for this term are:
9 October | 6 November | 11 December.
For more information contact Megan to help you book in, or just come along. We hope to see you there!
This is a games and social club for elderly residents. We have homemade cake, fruit, tea & coffee, and a warm welcome.
We meet every Monday of the month (except bank holidays) in the Ackroydon Hall, 26 Montfort Place at 10.30am-12noon.
For more information or if you need help with transport, please feel free to contact 020 8877 3003

This is a free playgroup that runs every Wednesday at 10:00 - 11:30
We play with loads of fun toys, eat a snack and sing songs together.
Mums, there will be tea and coffee for you so that you can socialise with other mothers in the area.
There is no booking required, so please do come. It is an absolute blast!
We meet every Wednesday for our Home Group at 8pm. We have tea and amazing home made cake by Jude. We chat, pray, look at the bible together and grow in our faith.
Please note: On the first Wednesday of each month when we join 'Kingdom Come' at St Michael's.
For more information email Lou at: homegroups@stmikes-ststeves.org.uk