Every Monday afternoon between 12.30 and 2.30pm, the old foyer at St Michael’s opens its doors as a Foodbank, providing food parcels and a listening ear to members of the community who have received a Foodbank Voucher from their GP, social worker, school or other service. Teams of volunteers make our guests feel at home with a hot drink, toastie and the opportunity to chat whilst the food parcels are made up in the vestry. St Michael’s is one of five centres which make up Wandsworth Foodbank and this means that the Foodbank is able to be open 7 days a week across Wandsworth. We operate entirely through donations of food and you can see what we are in need of each week by clicking here. As well as providing emergency food to feed the guest and their family for 3 days, we signpost people towards avenues of further support and offer to pray with each guest before they leave.
"I'd like to come and help when I'm back on my feet, because you're helping me through a crisis. It's good talking to someone rather than feeling alone." Foodbank guest.
For more information on any of the projects below, please click on the image.

Research from the National and World Literacy Trusts indicates thousands of children leave primary school unable to read, their life opportunities already limited.
Our practical response to this need is 'learn to love to read' - a church-run, community-focused literacy initiative which partners a local church with a local school. We provide literacy opportunities for young children who, for whatever reason, require extra support. We focus on early intervention and parental empowerment, as well as building relationships with local schools and the families they serve.
We are seeking other churches to adopt this successful project in their local community.
1 John 4:19 says ‘We love because he first loved us’.
‘Learn to love to read’ is a practical expression of God’s love, mercy and justice.
‘We really would not have got the results we got without your help! We love seeing the children light up when you arrive. You really have taught them to love reading. Thank you!’ Teacher

As a church, our values include mercy and justice. Jeremiah 9:23 talks about what matters and what counts in God's kingdom: justice, mercy and kindness. In addition to all our weekly activities, one Sunday a year, we close the church doors and as a congregation engage in projects of service within the local community.
Teams of adults, teenagers and children set out to clear gardens, alleyways and rivers, redecorate flats for rehoused families, feed the hungry, reach out to our neighbours, stand alongside the isolated and pray for those who would like it.
This is a fantastic day of hard work and great fun! Do join us for the next one.