We long to see a church full of women who are passionate, courageous and determined to lead lives which honour God and advance His Kingdom. For more information on any of these events, please get in touch.
Everything you need to know about what’s going on with Women at St Mikes
Home Groups
Women's groups meet during the day throughout the week. A creche runs alongside Tuesday morning groups.
Women's Breakfasts

Once a term for breakfast, a talk, worship, prayer and discussion.

Women's Socials
From curries to movie nights, we have a termly social for the women of our churches. All women are invited and welcomed to these evenings which are a great opportunity to get to know other women from across our different services. Hope to see you at one soon!
Our Worship Teaching Prayer night is primarily aimed at mum's of young children but all women are welcome to this evening of worship, teaching, prayer ministry and fellowship. For more information, please click on the image.