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Alpha Film Series

Tuesdays, 5th Feb - 26th March - 7:00 pm for food, ends - 9:30 pm

You are welcome to join us on Tuesdays for an evening in which we can all explore the issues of the Christian faith.

We will start serving food from 7pm and then show a video and follow up with a relaxed and open group discussion.

Topics include: “Why did Jesus have to die”; “How does God guide us?”; “Does God heal today?”


Food and materials are free but please email for catering purposes to

For more information click on the Alpha picture. 

Home Group Central - Time to Learn & Pray Together

Tuesdays, 7:30 - 9:45 pm, 2nd, 16th April

Come to study and build our faith and relationships together. 

This term we will be studying The Father's heart of love as we live it out, looking at 1 Corinthians. 

(We also have other groups that meet in homes on Mondays and Wednesdays)

Tea-Time Group - Study, Chat and Cake

Tea time Tuesdays 3:15-5:30 pm, 29th Jan, 12th Feb, 5th & 26th March

Come and eat cake, study the Bible together and pray for each other.

LIFE - Worship, Word, Prayer, Presence.

Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:45pm, 29th Jan, 9th April

An informal evening to pursue the presence of God together.

Open to everyone, please come and join us.

Prayer Lunch

Meet for Lunch and Prayer from 1pm; 14th Feb, 14th March, 18th April

We also meet regularly to pray together for each other, St Stephen's and our neighbours. 

Social Times

Church Lunch Out - 14th April - Easter Celebration.

One Sunday a season we eat in and one Sunday we eat in a local restaurant, you are very welcome to join us.

We also go out for fun and culture - next Theatre trip in December. 

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